Tuesday, December 28, 2010

PLM and GSLV Failure

This refers to the Indian Express editorial “No space trials, please” [TNIE; 28-12-2010, Tuesday].

India, saddled with its own developmental challenges, is not in a position to face such costly failures during space trials. It just cannot afford to make such “trials” in the real space. Virtual Space trials (coupled with methods powered by design thinking) would be affordable and beneficial for preparing more reliable “launch ready” vehicles and satellites. Further, virtual simulations will help accelerate the time-to-launch and significantly reduce the costs that are involved in real space trials.

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions are, therefore, an imperative for India. This need is also articulated in the paper by T V Joseph who is with the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram. [Source: www.ieindia.org/pdf/91/91AS104.pdf accessed 28-12-2010]

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