In the recently concluded conclave, sitting in the last row during the inaugural session, I was trying to get a student's/learner's perspective on what the speakers were articulating.
Some (in the audience) may have perceived:
.......that "book knowledge" is irrelevant and "practical knowledge" is everything.
.......that "success" comes to those who do not adhere to books.
.......that whatever is being taught is, therefore, not so important.
.......and so on
And then the questions:
.......why are we then paying for the books?
.......what is then the need for having a library?
.......why waste time in classrooms?
.......why have Universities at all?
While these perspectives may differ, it is important to drive home one point:
.......that theory and practice go hand-in-hand.
"Practice without theory is blind and theory without practice is lame."
Remember what one speaker in the second session (Track-2) had said:"Future may not be an extrapolation of the present"
So, it is the books which will be remaining as your friend when you leave school for your career pursuits.
If you look at Dr. Deming's 14 points written in his book Out of Crisis, it is Point# 9 which says:
"Break down barriers between departments. People in research, design, sales, and production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and in use that may be encountered with the product or service." (click on the hyperlink)It was written in the last century and is quite aligned with this year's conclave theme "Beyond HR: Transcending Functional Boundaries" (i.e., "Book Knowledge" of last several decades yet to be imbibed by many in the world of practice.)
Also, taking cues from the workshop titled "Virtual Workplace: Role of HR in Building and Engaging a Virtual Workforce", let us all look forward to creating the future workplace which adopts Dr. Deming's Point# 8:
"Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company." (click on the hyperlink)"Fear invites wrong figures. Bearers of bad news fare badly. To keep his job, anyone may present to his boss only good news." .....W. Edwards Deming, page 94, The New Economics ("This book, according to Deming, is a textbook for engineering, economics and business students, to be used to prepare students for the future". Here is another link on the "Management and Accounting Web" that may be useful in the practical world.)
Feel free to ask as many questions as you can relating to these concepts. We will try to find an answer based on the principles propounded by the Gurus. (The TQM students paying attention to the course contents will be able to explain some of these concepts to you as time progresses.)