Friday, October 27, 2017

[How Do I Learn?] Design Thinking & Six Sigma Management Attitude

This post is for learners in my TQM course interested in design thinking and quality management in a dynamic-learning environment:
As you are trying to understand Dr. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge, here is an article titled "Using Tools to Support Design Thinking in the Classroom" by Barbara Cleary. It will be useful to you at this juncture of TQM problem solving where you are trying to "Design" your own answer to the question: "How do I learn best?" (Remember: each student has his/her own learning style).
In doing so recall Dr. Deming's Views on Performance Evaluation (see the source document cited below for details):

Here are some excerpts from the above article.....
Similarly, if you recall, even sales performance....

Hence, do read the above articles before moving forward with your work on "Cost of Quality Glossary" & small "Six Sigma Projects" related to your own learning environment. I hope you will be able to design your own answer to the question "How do I learn best?"
Best wishes......K. Sahu

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Six Sigma Management Attitude

This post is for learners@KIIT interested in quality management around a dynamic-learning environment:
As you are trying to understand the teachings of the Quality Gurus, this post is to help you improve your learning outcomes. If possible, read "An Afterword on Six Sigma" in Robert Barry's book "Nan - A Six Sigma Mystery".  It will help you to pursue your “Triple-role Continuous Improvement Values” by developing a Six Sigma management attitude
This is my 13th year at KIIT and it has taken me as many years to bring this article to the notice of the stakeholders. Some of them may be your mentors, teachers, administrators and other important process owners and they (in their capacity) are helping you to be part of the system in which you are taking a lead role (in your own capacity) as the process owner of several learning processes. Each one of these processes offer you scope to develop the six sigma management attitude (i.e., Face it, Find it and Fix it).
Having developed this attitude you will be in a better position to handle even greater responsibilities. There is a lot of scope around you where you can apply these concepts (see the above article for ideas). Also, our PM is promoting the ZED program - which has set even loftier goals in terms of “Zero Effect (on the environment) due to Zero Defects”. If you train yourself well then you will be able to find greater satisfaction in any project where you get involved to drive improvement initiatives.
See the figures below and recall what you are supposed to do.....
[Now with a Six Sigma management attitude]

Best wishes...........K. Sahu