Friday, June 26, 2009

Professor Yash Pal on Higher Education

Professor Yash Pal committee recommendations vindicate my stance on several aspects related to academic processes – particularly on issues related to granting greater autonomy to the individual for various creative pursuits. Here is one article titled "Creating an enabling environment for fostering creativity" written in 2007 for young deemed universities, such as KIIT. Here are few others:

I have been articulating many of these views even before I joined KIIT in 2005 (some of them are archived in my blog posts: )
The following views (classified under education) were articulated to break the “socio-politico-economic stalemate” that I was sensing in the education sector while at KIIT:

I hope India will be able to exploit the opportunities embedded in the Yash Pal committee report with MHRD playing the role of the facilitator.

Here is the full report & The 100 days action plan

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